Sunday, May 9, 2010


I was talking to a friend this morning and he asked me what was the last book a read. I thought it was gonna turn into some joke 'cuz when we spoke in the past about leisure reading we had very similar views, we never really read a book that wasn't forced upon us with school. I told him that I wasn't really into reading much fiction novels because it never really interested me; I told him i like reading books like Rich Dad, Poor Dad and those type of enriching books. He suggested that I check out this book titled, "Outliers," by Malcom Gladwell. He told me that he thinks it's a book that i will enjoy and can relate to. I just picked it up at a couple hours ago and I can't seem to put it down. I can't wait to finish it!
Just thought i'd share :)


  1. Isn't it crazyyy that 10,000 hours of practice makes you an expert????

    Anddd being born in Jan, Feb, March affect you so much?? It's soo true! I see it especially at school!!! Not so much when you're older!

    I have Blink if you wanna borrow it! And The Tipping Point is just as great!!

  2. all i know is i'm gonna log my kids 10,000 hours and do my best to have a kid from jan-march! heck yeah, i wanna read them both! which one do u recommend me reading first? i think i remember you looking for a copy of freakonomics, if you haven't read it yet i found my copy, let me know. we should start a book club!
